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TranzactCard: A new way to bank
By Bruce Carlson Hi everyone! Since Karen and I have retired and moved down south to New Athens, we have begun to explore the area and how we can be of help and service to the Metro East area. We have been learning how to get around and find the everyday items you...
The Tail of Two Hardware Stores
By Bruce Carlson We are very much settled in our new home. I’m getting to know the clunks and sounds of the house. The dripping sound in the basement is from the air conditioner removing the humidity. I don’t stop what I’m doing when the blower on the high-efficiency...
Eating Well, Living Well: Senior Nutrition Strategies and Meal Prep Tips
By Bruce Carlson Hello there, my fellow retirees and cherished readers of RetiredLifeNow.com! Today, I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you a delightful journey into the world of scrumptious meals and healthy living for our golden years. As your friendly article...

Jenny's 15 Tips & Tricks For Traveling Cheap
My Upcoming Trips
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My Highlights
Jenny’s Top 10 Sites to See
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2. Vestibulum ante ipsum
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3. Amet Sit Consecteture
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Travel Gallery
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